Iowana Beach Resort Welcomes You

To Our Northern Minnesota Resort

Located just off of Minnesota State Highway 2 Iowana Beach is easy to find!

Driving Directions from the West (Bemidji, MN):
Travel east on MN Highway 2 approximately 28 miles. Turn south (right) onto Ryans Road NW and travel approximately 1/2 mile and You Are Here!

Driving Directions from the East (Grand Rapids, MN):
Travel west on MN Highway 2 approximately 38 miles.  Turn south (left) onto Ryans Road NW and travel approximately 1/2 mile and You Are Here!

Approximate Travel Distances to Iowana Beach Resort

Minneapolis, MN246 miles
Duluth, MN122 miles
Fargo, ND150 miles
Chicago, IL638 miles
Des Moines, IA486 miles
Omaha, NE570 miles

14877 Iowana Beach Road NW
Bena, MN  56626

Toll Free:  1-877-665-2311
